Slow Poisoning For His Greed

" Hey, what did you mean by the present wife of your father ?"

Emmy felt Alex was stalling for time and she patiently waited for his answer. She knew that Alex had hidden his pains, usually putting up a facade of 'I don't care', but inside there were a lot of grievances bundled up.

" My mother…. She was the only person who showered me with love in my childhood. My father was forced to marry my mother by the elders of the family. He loved another woman from the Agnatic family. No one knows about my mother's whereabouts nor her family. From the day I was born, my father never allowed mother to go anywhere. She was like a prisoner in the castle so she gave her whole time in taking care of me."

" But after one year, she got sick suddenly, and her condition was worsening at an alarming rate. Never once my father came to check on her, and just after her death, he remarried the woman he loved the most. He is just my father for namesake, but the elders placed my mother as a heavenly being and so I was chosen to be the crown prince. I know, my father wants me to be dead so that he can make his favorite son the next king."

Alex sighed thinking about his family while Emmy was too glum hearing his sorry tale.

" Your father's favorite son, isn't it Mike? But he seems to be close with you even if he is stepbrother."

" Huh, that fellow… No, he isn't the one. I have another stepbrother who is just two months younger than me. Feeling disgusting right, yes, that old fellow was cheating my mother while he was still married to her. That is another reason why he couldn't put up with elders' pressurization to make me the crown prince."

" He wanted Victor to be his descendant, Oh! you must have heard about that brother of mine, right. His name is Envoy Salian Victorian, the same who is having illicit relations with the second princess of the Agnartic clan. Although Victor is Mike's real brother, he treats me as his sibling more. No one knows that we two brothers are in the same league, father asked Mike to be with me so that he can spy on me. Poor old man, he doesn't know that out of his three children, the one who hates him the most is Mike himself."

Alex heaved a euphoric sigh of relief thinking about Mike. If that guy was not in their family, after his mother's death, Alex would have abandoned the Salian family long ago.

" Hearing this melodramatic story of your family, I feel that your father might not want the marriage between Lady Vilmon and yourself to take place as it leads you to have a powerful support. No wonder, your father supported your decision to ditch your engagement with the Esbertrazian princess."

" Maybe, I had heard that the Esbertrazian elder had forced him to accept their proposal. Anyways, what happened so happened. I am not bothered about it anymore. Do you really think that he might have a hand in the plot against your family?"

" If so, then finish him. Spare no mercy thinking him as my father. I have considered him dead when he murdered his first wife for his greed."

Emmy got shocked at Alex's statement, she never thought a queen can be easily murdered like that and no one actually thrived to unveil the reason behind her death.

" Murdered? She died due to sickness right!"

Alex sneered, he still remembered how his mother had cried before her final day. She had asked forgiveness to Alex, for giving him birth to such a family.

" He slowly poisoned her to fulfill his greed or should I say lust. He is an animal, even Victor has the same characteristics as of our father."

Emmy held those trembling hands over her hands, she never imagined that Alex might have gone through such emotional pain right from his childhood.

" Alex, now we have two factors to continue our search. Firstly, we have to find out who all are linked together in Agnartic and Salian families. Secondly, if Lamia was here during the time of the assault, then the killers must have kidnapped her"

" So as to lure your enemies out, you have to present a new lover in front of your family. You can introduce the new lover as Lamia itself as no one has seen her and those who have seen her is missing, so identify who all wants to create problems to your lover "

" Fake Lamia? Who can play such a role? She is such a cute fairy little damsel and during the act, I might have to act intimately with that fake person which I'm not at all comfortable."

" Then can I be your bride ??? "

" Whaaaattttt ? What do you mean by that question ?"

The stunned Alex failed to notice the disappointment in Emmy's eyes which flashed by for a fraction of second.

" I meant the Literal meaning, make me your beloved and once I get access to the Salian castle, it would easy for me to search for clues. "

" That idea is great, but do you think that your master Rotrigues shall allow you to enter the lion's chamber directly ?"

" Don't worry, for the good cooperation, we shall begin our act now itself, so from this moment onwards, you are my lover. Alex, why are you laughing?"

Alex was restraining himself from laughing out loud, he was fascinated by Emmy's shrewd and crooked ideas whereas Emmy was feeling tensed as accidentally he blurted out to be with him.

" I am sorry Emmy, you are not at all naive and innocent. Your cunning ideas will make the foundations of the great Salian family to fall. "

This time Emmy also smiled, watching the happiness return to Alex's face, she was feeling blissful inside.

" So Emmy my dear! will you marry me ?"