You Will Regret Choosing This Lowly Skivvy

" Isn't new for you? this is the first time Emmy has landed her feet on our Vilmonark, right!"

Hearing Mike's comment, all the others looked at him as he could have crashed the whole plot in the starting itself. Luckily, there was no one nearby to listen to their conversation or else Mike's curiosity might have killed the cat on the first day itself.

" Brother Mike, don't be a blockhead, please. This is Lamia, my Mia, who fought with me and left to earth on my engagement day. Now I have successfully made her accept me back, so naturally, she came back ."

Alex explained clearly and finally winked at Mike, only then the halfwit brother of his, understood the plot they were staging.

As they were all giggling thinking about the situation, suddenly they heard one of the lackeys of the Salian family announcing the second prince's arrival.

"Here comes the serpent of the Salian family, Brother Alex, back to the old us."

Emmy watched Mike as his cheerful face changed to disdain in a blink of an eye. Someone was interestingly seeing the confused look on her face, Alex squeezed her hand little to grab her attention.

" My so-called family do not know that Mike and myself are allies. That father of mine actually sent his own son to spy on me while we are at college. But this fellow always pushes away all the traps set for me without a word. Although I'm his stepbrother, he considers me as his closest kin compared with Victor. Look, there comes my other brother... "

Emmy looked to the front to see a dashing youth dressed in a golden robe, with flawless skin and inky hair. He had a warming smile on his face but his eyes were cold and at the first glance itself, Emmy found his smile a sinister one. She didn't like the way he was scrutinising her.

Even Janet and Juliet felt a way off from the second prince's gaze over Emmy. Their womanly instinct determined that he was up to no good to them.

" Brothers, it has been a long time, months flew fast, didn't it?"

" Crown prince, you look energetic and rather fresh when collated with the haughty and dull man before going to the infamous institution. Did you find any hidden Esbertrazian treasure there ?" a youth who was the minion of the second prince, encroached to the conversation.

That particular youth was called Rasber and was as pompous as his clothes. Although he looked much ordinary compared with the three royal princes in the scene, something made him stand out in the crowd.

Jordan was tempted to kick this guy's back and flay him alive but Alex signalled him to calm down. This minion was none other than the eldest son of the Salian clan's current queen's one and only brother. The king bestowed his brother-in-law with the status of a governor of the smallest town in their kingdom.

" Rasber, you haven't changed a bit. You are still that chubby kid who cried whenever I bullied you in our childhood, Grow up man."

Alex's comment directly stabbed Rasber's ego. He wanted to strike back by taking Lady Vilmon's name as this technique always made Alex go insane still even before he could utter another word, Victor stopped him.

All the while, Victor never once stopped gazing over Emmy. Finally, his attention came over the clasped pair of hands. He never thought his major foe would return triumphantly holding an attractive girl's hand. He was mesmerized over Emmy's stunning figure and got green in envy, every time this heretic gets the best of all.

" Brother, I do recognise this as Jordan, your friend but who all are these charming women with you? "

" Victor, your curiosity must wait for a little while longer. I will introduce each one of them after meeting our elders. Do not fret, they will be residing at my place for the following days. "

Alex shunning Victor off directly was a little rude, but he deserved it clearly, Now, this guy will straight away deliver this news to their father's ears and then they will be called upon for enquiry. This is the reason why Alex emphasised the meeting of elders as the first thing they must do or else, the father will take his decision to throw Emmy out even before seeing the elders.

After being avoided intentionally, Victor left the group to march his way straight to the castle along with Rasber whereas the group started their way to see the elders.

" Alex, will the elders take in Emmy just as you said? Won't they ask to prove her identity? What about her family ?"

Jordan sceptically shooted his array of questions at Alex.

" No worries, with the letter of the great master of all elders, do you think these clan elders would kick my lover out, huh?"

The letter which Alex mentioned was the note given by their master Rotrigues who had stated that Emmy aka Lamia, was like his goddaughter and he clearly wants Alex to marry his goddaughter.

Meanwhile, inside the castle, Victor had delivered the news of Alex's arrival with a bunch of women and also, he inflated the situation to worse by saying that meeting the elders first, was an insult to the king who was his father also. He also stated that Alex choosing his lover first disrespected the king in every manner.

The Salian king was enraged beyond control listening to his favourite son's words.

" How dare you go against me several times? This time you will regret choosing that lowly life over this king. I will make sure that his new lover is similarly killed as the previous one. "