Not Any Wolf, You Are Just A Chicken!!!

The devilish laughter echoed through the trees, but the fearful feeling which Victor had expected out of Emmy didn't appear at all. Instead, he saw the beautiful woman just sitting on the wooden bench, after throwing off the dried leaves from it.

" No wonder, my brother, Alex was nuts about you, he would only love a woman like his mother, so you are one of those gutsy women out of this world, right!"

Emmy's attention was totally stuck on the phrase used by Victor to mention Alex's mother, the former queen of the Salian clan. But what did he mean by gutsy women out of this world, so she grinned to herself, meeting this lunatic was a good outcome to know more of the untold Salian facts.

" Curious about my origin, aren't you? Your brother already told you that he will introduce me to your family officially in the coming days. Why are you in a rush, brother-in-law? "

The way Emmy addressed Victor snapped all the chords of doubt in him, "So you are that lowly skivvy for whom Alex even tried to self immolate himself. I never thought of meeting you after father ordered your execution to the top skilled men of our family. I'm impressed, only the Esbertrazian guards returned from that incident, so it means you were capable of hiding from the powerful dark guards."

The mocking smile on the lady's face faded a little and got replaced by sudden fierceness, the anger inside her started to bubble up, now everything was getting on the right track. The Salian king ordered the execution of his son's true love and the men sent for the mission found her hiding in the clifftop manor. As they were obliged to complete their task, they killed everyone who stood on their way and it included her parents.

Emmy was on the verge of venting her hatred on Victor, but then a warm, calloused hand touched her trembling shoulder. His unique odor calmed down her anger instantly and her last bit of control broke. She put her head on the warm chest and her hands wounded the man's waist.

" Darling, don't be scared. He is not any big bad wolf, he is just a chicken. Look at me, sit here, and have these fresh plums. Let me shoo away that chicken for you."

Alex wiped the corners of her glistened eyes with his sleeves, giving all the plums to her hands, he calmed her down. After pampering his sweetheart, Alex glanced at his so-called brother, who was clenching his teeth now. The gentleness in Alex's eyes was nowhere to be seen, the murderous intent was restored again after three months.

" Brother, do not get me wrong, I saw her sitting here alone. This part of the gardens was banned for outsiders, you only asked for such an order from father, remember!! So I just came to see who was intruding to our private place."

" Our private place…? Huh!! Victor, don't you forget this place is only for the crown prince and that is me. You may be cunning but don't even try to apply those dirty wicked ideas on me. Tell your mother one thing, I may address her as queen, but she would never be my mother. "

Watching the killing air emanating from Alex, his stepbrother who entered like a tiger, ran off like a mouse. Alex sat beside Emmy looking at the untouched plums in her lap. He understood something went wrong while he had gone.

" What did that idiot tell you?"

Emmy was frowning, she couldn't tell Alx directly that his father had planned to kill his beloved but he should know that, his Mia would never be safe in the Salian household. The vulture eyed brother and ruthless father were enough to stage a plot to finish the couple without their knowing.

" Your father… I mean the Salian king had ordered the execution of….."

" Execution? Your execution? Did that pig chew his brains out or what, he hasn't seen you yet ordered a killing order. He must be tired of living."

Emmy closed her eyes to control her stubborn tears, " He sent the top skilled Salian mercenaries to assassinate your Mia."

For a few seconds, Alex could not hear what Emmy was saying, his brain was stopped when he heard the top mercenaries going to kill his love, his woman. He clenched his fist and stood up to meet his father to demand answers. If what Victor said was true, then there was no chance that his Mia would be alive because the Salian mercenaries never lost a fight.

The abrupt change in Alex made Emmy flustered, she knew this man had lost all his rationality to think at the moment but still, she hugged him tightly. Alex tried to walk forward, but it only resulted in the grip over his body becoming more tighter.

" Alex, we will get to the root of this and find your Mia. Trust me, your Mia is perfectly fine and will be in your embrace soon. I have seen it."

The hug and the melodious voice lowered Alex's rage to an extent. He hugged her back and her shoulders were wet with his tears.

" Is it true, will she be alive? The Salian mercenaries are the best of best, they haven't even lost any combat till now."

" Concentrate Alex, don't let your emotions take away your consciousness. Think it was the Esbertrazian guards who delivered you the pendant and those mercenaries haven't come back yet. So, what do you think, who might have won that fight?"

After hearing her explanations, the storms calmed down in his mind. Right now, both of them were physically as well emotionally tired. So both held hands and walked back to the Acasta Palace, eating the red delicious plums which Alex had painstakingly plucked.

" Emmy, what do you mean by seeing Mia return and resting in my embrace?"