My Love, Wait for The Show Time

Emmy leaned against Alex and murmured something to his ears coquettishly. When Victor was thinking of how to block Alex's anger, to his much surprise, Alex gently smiled at his fiancee and gently adjusted her locks of hair beside her ear.

Emmy put out a facade of a white flower who any man would urge to take care of. She knew Victor was here to brew troubles for Alex but could not figure out what exactly was his plan.

" This girl is definitely extraordinary, I must have her at any cost". Victor kept on thinking seriously in his mind but on his face, there was not even a flick of it, it was as if he was enjoying the feast to its maximum.

Slowly, the time came up when the elder Begontrix stood up to introduce the new couple.

" Attention please, now I would like to welcome the pride of the Salian clan, our crown prince, and his beautiful fiancee, Ms. Lamia Shagues."