A Lethally Poisonous Gift

The three people who heard what elder Lathodore said widened their eyes. Even the elder Lathodore felt as if he got possessed suddenly to blurt out such a dark secret openly in front of this girl. He excused himself after blessing the couple letting them attend other guests.

" Lathodore, what happened to you? why did you mention that here?" 

" Miandrake, would you believe me that I had a premonition just as I touched that girl's fingertip, I feel she is not the one whom she claims to be."

Gazing at the flustered Esbertrazian elders, Emmy could not believe her ears which had definitely heard the words 'dimensional world'. Just as she opened her small mouth to enquire about it to Alex, he came clean all of a sudden, " I'm also hearing such a thing for the first time. it must be some kind of Esbertrazian secret but why did the elder blurt it out to you at the first meeting, I guess all the Esbertrazians are really strange huh!!!!