Like Father, Like Son!!!!

Within a blink of an eye, the Salian clan members followed their crown prince and friends straight to the pearl courtyard where Princess Arona was staying. Reaching the entrance, people started to hear muffled sounds of moaning from inside the princess's room. 

King Valeriander glared at his queen as both of them understand who was inside the Agnartic princess's chamber at this late time. The maids and servants could not hold up to the increasing crowd. The shameless couple enjoying the rumpy-pumpy relation was relatively unaware that their act had a large audience outside.

" Guards, Barge-in and bring the man outside right now!"

Elder Begontrix roared at the Salian guards, King Valeriander wanted to stop the elder but even before the Salian guards could move, the man was pulled out of the chamber by Jordan and he smiled at Alex after doing so.