The True Villainess Of The Trio

Everyone turned to see Alex who was gazing at a portrait on the wall at the end of the hallway. Emmy walked to him and looked where his sight was, after seeing the picture, she felt nothing impressive. Others joined them to check out the portrait as they thought it was the picture of the acclaimed and preeminent person, Lady Vilmon.

" Is this your miss? She is truly a heaven-defying beauty."

Although Mike was drooling over the portrait, his wife Juliet had almost the same reaction. As she was checking out this extraordinary person, on the corner, there was a label and it read "the black enchantress".

" Alex, I told you, stop thinking of that incident. We will find her and bring her back, okay!"

This time Emmy comforted him in a stern way, her voice contained some authoritative tone which surprisingly stirred Alex from his thoughts. He quickly held his woman's hands and kissed it.

" Dare to think of it anymore?"