It is Just The Appetizer

Soon the simple brookside cottage became the love nest of these two. However, somewhere else, the man responsible for their union was pulling his hairs out. 

"What kind of guards are you ? I had drugged the wine with my own hands and you couldn't even keep track over that woman."

Rasber roared at his guards, he had set his eyes on that pretty butterfly who came with the Esbertrazian clan members. Upon enquiry, his subordinates reported that she was the common friend of Emmy and a mute by birth. From the moment she arrived, his mind made plans to get her underneath him, on his bed. He had shown the audacity to drug her drink as he knew that once she was in his grasp, a commoner like her would never the sky anymore.

Rasber was deadly set on making that woman his bed slave but poor him didn't know the surprise which was waiting for him. Kiara had already told Houlson about her guess on how he got drugged during the wedding feast.