Visitor From The Core Powers

The next morning Alex and Emmy were called by the elders. The three elders observed the two youngsters from head to toe. It was the master Rotrigues who broke the silence first.

" We know that we shouldn't meddle into youngsters' business but you are our only goddaughter, so I wanted to ask this punk, when do you both intend to get married?"

By the word marriage coming out of this master who had once threatened him to stay away from Emmy, Alex's face lit up quickly whereas Emmy was thinking whether elder Rotigues had hit his head somewhere.

When Emmy saw her lover boy's expression, she knew if given the chance, this wolf would get ready to devour the poor lamb as soon as possible, so she quickly replied.

" No rush, first let me avenge my parents, then he can come with the gifts for the bride's family."

The bliss on his face faded to some degrees, but Alex stubbornly made another proposal.