Search Into The Roots

Emmy slowly started explaining about the enchantress and why the supreme lord was biased towards her more than that to the sorceress.

" The elders do not know the specifics why the supreme lord decided to create and divide his powers when he had his own son to continue his legacy. Anyways, he passed on the rule of the core world to the new powers, the sorceress and the enchantress, till this point whatever we have heard and found is true."

Emmy could feel that Alex was getting more curious, so without beating around the bush, she continued.

" But the eviler and deadliest supreme lord was little patient towards his son who never even can harm anyone. So, no matter how many times the supreme lord tried to make his son powerful as him, the latter could only use his powers for the well being of others. Hence, his only son, Byron Zucathore was given the head position of their family clan only."