You Are Going Nowhere With Him

" The Posei clan has a secret pathway which connects the northern sea to the sea lines besides the cliff-top manor."

This was a major breakthrough in their investigation, so it meant that some of the clans had connections in the clifftop manor assassination. Alex looked at Emmy who stood there unfolding a scroll, he moved closer to her to see what it was. The scroll was actually a map of the Posei family clan, portraying the area and the borders of the clan.

" Juliet, how did you get this map? Every clan map scroll is the top-secret element of the clan. Won't your grandfather be blamed if this is leaked outside? " Janet curiously peeked over to the scroll in Emmy's hands.

Juliet smiled and looked at Mike who was grinning evilly. " Why should anyone blame grandfather as he himself doesn't know that the top-secret map has been stolen from the family vault."

This time, all the other four including Juliet had their mouth opened in a wide ' O'.