The Ravaging Black Swirl

Alex rushed inside to find nothing but a huge structure of a spiral staircase. The other end of the staircase was not visible and Alex stopped his steps. Suddenly it hit him, just now he wanted to see Lamia so badly. A sudden guilty feeling arose from Alex's heart but his mind still supported his enthusiasm.

Turning around, Alex saw the expression on Juliet's face, she too never thought Alex would be this excited to see his old love. Juliet could understand his feelings of wanting to see the person whom he lost all of a sudden, but then what was Emmy for him?

Both of them didn't say a word but started to climb the stairs, it felt as if these stairs were enclosed inside a tower, a very big tower. Alex walked robotically taking each step but inside his heart, the guilty feeling started to rise. He wanted to explain it to Juliet as she is one of the two important persons for Emmy.