The Light Of My Life

"Alex, I don't know how to explain these things. Look, the four elders of the Esbertrazian clan are directly formed from the power of the enchantress and only one of them got married. Our Emmy is the rarest of all. So, there is a high chance of her being inherited with the enchantress's power"

" So what if she has got the power inherited? What the scariest part of it?"

Master Neshag helplessly looked at Alex. He knew this trait of pride mixed with curiosity, Alex gained it from his mother. Trianna was also like this, she never believed things until solid proof was provided, but she always liked to hear new things and question them.

" The scariest part is not about inheriting power but Emmy didn't go through any intense training so she won't be able to control the power correctly and it might harm others. Today, we were actually trying to see whether she would be able to control it or not but we couldn't see what happened at the entrance properly."