Throw Shine, Not Shade

Seeing the men take the two doors and leave the third one, the women wanted to take it but their respective partners begged them to stay out of trouble until they returned.

" Is it me the only one who wants to check what's behind the third door?"

Juliet was the most curious one amongst them and she shared her opinion just as the men were off through the doors.

" Let's go".

The women soon arrived at the decision as each of them wanted to check out what's behind the door too. Kiara and Elina were living a nomadic life till they met the Demar brothers, so after a few months itself, they were thriving for an adventure. Janet was totally devoted to her friends now as this was her family now. 

Sadly, their adventure came to an end soon as they found the path was a dead end. it ended in a small room with no door out. They tried their maximum best to find any secret doors or even any clues hidden here but soon were disappointed.