Breaking The Promise

Alex was still pondering how to answer Emmy, she asked the next question, " Alex, what if, once I regain my memory and we might have grudges of the past in between us, what will you do? "

Alex smiled just as he heard her query, " Well, I will make sure which side is fighting fairly. If I am on the wrong side, I will surely amend my mistakes but if justice is on my side, then I will fight with you. " Nevertheless, Emmy was expecting a cheesy line from Alex and she was very happy when Alex straightforwardly replied to her.

" Impressive!!! As expected of my husband."

Emmy rubbed her nose on his chest and Alex who was happy seeing his woman being coquettish with him, suddenly felt as if he was on cloud nine as Emmy had mentioned him as her husband.

" I remember someone saying that she was just a girlfriend for the time being and I should work hard, in order to achieve the fiancee status. I wonder from where did I hear that ?"