Wake Her Up Now....

" Welcome back, Master"

Galstorie was a bit anxious to see Alex's reaction and soon he was surprised as Alex nodded at him.

" Uncle Gastorie, you might have been my fath… his servant but now there is no more Zucathore clan. So please here, call me by my name."

Galstorie found it difficult to believe and he saw confirmation in Neshag's eyes which made him feel ecstatic. He warmly welcomed Alex and Emmy along with Neshag. After Alex and Emmy went to see Miandrake, Galstorie and Neshag sat near the garden area. They had a lot to discuss the past.

" How was my master after that day?"

" Half dead, not physically though! We both know how much he loved Trianna but after they consummate their marriage, the next day, he knew that he had lost her forever. However, the only thing which is keeping him alive is her last words to him."