Serve Me For Eternity

"My pleasure."

Alex shook Taran's hands warmly. He knew that the Sorceress had hidden her chess piece here in the Ludacris family, with her strongest aid, Phelixtros Ludacris. 

As they were entering, the person Alex was waiting to meet finally appeared. Alex saw the shade of helplessness wash over grandfather Ludacris's face. He was surely disquieted with the recent happenings in the family. 

"May I have the honour of knowing this esteemed person from the Esbertraz clan."

Grandfather Ludacris was more polite as he was intrigued by the strong aura emanating from this gentleman. In his mind, grandfather Ludacris calculated that the Esbertrazian people were not simpletons, however, he would be flabbergasted when he shall know the identity of the person who has arrived in their manor.