I Shall Write My Destiny

"Curious about most of the stuff. If I were you, probably I would also do things the same way but after the crisis. You yourself took this decision. So do not hope that anyone can save you now. You had altered the wills of the god almighty, hence every power comes with a disadvantage."

"However you amazed everyone with your current state. If they saw you now, they would be shocked to death."

Anitemme was smiling when she spoke with Emmy but the latter did not have a small curve on her face. 

" They? Who are these people she is referring to? When will this woman talk straight to me?"

Anitemme could read what was going through Emmy's mind but she did not want to expose her.

"Little girl, just go back and be ready for the intense battle. If you make the same mistake as we did in past, what may happen is over redemption. We care for you but in this fight, you have to do it alone."