Desire Is the Key To Power

Inside the southern building, the maid soon rushed inside a room and on the next second, threw the vase on the davenport. The fresh roses kept inside the vase were scattered all around the ground and the woman trampled those roses with her feet.

" Why must all fortunes belong to her?  Talshaaaaa… you cannot lose this time."

The maid screamed out loud, it was clear that she was losing her mind. She had clearly disguised herself as a maid to check the status of the relationship of the demon with Emmy. When she saw the villain sleeping peacefully like a harmless young man, her flustered heart got jealous of Emmy once again.

Yes, the maid was none other than Talsha, whom Alex had asked to stay put after coming to the Salian grounds. When Talsha came to know that Emmy had arrived at the clan and the way Alex welcomed her, she wanted to pity Emmy as the latter had fallen to the demon's trap straight away.