Indecisive Past But Determined Future

By the time Liam had reached back to the clan with the envelope, Alex ecstasy had died down a few ounces. The former was quite perplexed to see Alex already in a good mood.

"Do you have the power to foresee things or what? How did you know that I have a message from your woman to make you this happy ?"

Alex smiled and raised his hands to fetch the envelope from Liam, but he scoffed in mind, "Why would I be happy to receive this puny letter from that woman ? My beloved is back and soon shall be with me."

"I bet you did not get your wife's message nor had even a glimpse of her, didn't you?"

Liam felt Alex was gloating over his misfortune and went away complaining under his breath whereas Alex just threw the envelope casually on to his drawer. He was planning his meeting with the woman he waited for so long.