Forlorn Attempt to Escape

Talsha's sound echoed through the forest but it successfully quietened the panicked people around her. She glared at each one of them, the people consisted of 3 maids and 4 guards.

"What do you think of the Salian clan under Alex's control? He is not your first prince anymore, understand it first of all. He is a hideous, cruel and bloodthirsty demon, coming straight from hell.Even this forest may have ears for him, so be quiet and let us try to try to complete the task we are given."

Using her powers, Talsha sent Victor a message of her whereabouts and if any information about the Esbertrazian brat was received, Victor had to immediately take action before the devil finds the person.

The group of eight people slowly entered the forest. The dense canopy only lets minimum sunlight enter through the cracks in them. The fallen leaves were getting crunched up, creating a irritation noise while the group walked over them.