Our Love Is Heaven-Sent

The groom party arrived at the cliff top manor pompously. They made sure that the bride would walk on the white rose petals covered walkway till sedan and even the sedan was decorated with white lilies.

The groom and the parade when reached the entrance, they felt confused as Houlson and Rasber were sitting outside blindfolded. 

Jordan was curious and impatient, he wanted to take Janet in his arms as soon as possible.

"Hey , you two. What are you guys upto?"

"The women are want to surprise us. They blindfolded us from the morning and made us sit here till you guys come, now they shall blindfold you guys as well."

Just as Houlson finished his words, Rasber whistled and a guard came forward and put the blindfold to rest of the four men and the groom along with his groomsmen sat inside the sedan blindfolded. Rasber and Houlson were also seated along them.