Time To Awaken The Tamaryons

The previous day of marriage….after Victor got the order to retrieve the Manup manuscript.

As most of the people were attending the wedding of the shadow guard of the Esbertraz clan, Victor's journey to the Ludacris family was more easier than he anticipated. He reached there in half a day's time and met Phelixtroz ( Talsha's grandfather). When he mentioned that Sorceress had asked Phelixtroz to return the Manup manuscript back to her, the latter was happy and over the moon.

Out of extreme curiosity, Victor asked Phelixtroz why he was excited to return the so-called manuscript to the Sorceress.

"Boy, back when our Mistress had colluded with the Yalasgue leader, she stole this artefact from him. It was said that the Enchantress had given this manuscript to Maaren to save him from death back then. Later Maaren had shown this to our Mistress. She stole it, I guess."

"But what does this manuscript do?" Victor impatiently asked.