Unintentionally broke the bond

"I shall think about that, but before that Grandfather, we have to give him all the family clan details in the mainland including the history of Esbertrazian clan."

"Okay, we shall make arrangements for that."

Victor along with grandfather Ludacris left for getting the required information for the devil lord while Talsha could not figure out how to hide from the devil of the mainland.

Runasda reached his room and asked Father Ludacris to not let anyone serve him in the entire courtyard.

"I like silence. Until I come out, no one should enter this premises, is that clear?"

The poor Father Ludacris just bowed his head and said, "Yes master."

Runasda closed his eyes, transforming to his human form takes up a lot of energy. So he transformed back to his usual form. He wasn't worried that any one would see him as if anyone did see him, he could directly kill the person.