Yang Qui (3rd prince) had been able to get a few hours to himself after his lunch with his mother. He never liked staying inside the palace especially during daytime so he went near the lake and lay down under the shade of a huge tree. Here, he heard nothing but the sound of the wind and the birds. Sometimes, it was enough to stop the noise inside his head.
Using his arms as his pillow, he got some sleep. Peaceful sleep for the first time in almost a year. It was more than satisfying. But sleep had already been ruined for his body. He had been trained to be a light sleeper and his body had its own clock. Around two hours later, he was already walking back to the palace, ready to face the fake faces for the night.
He liked to get ready on his own so he ignored the line of maidens outside his room. He took the stack of clothes from the one nearest his door and shut it. All the soldiers wore the same formal uniform to parties. Their rank was determined by the darkness of the shade of blue of the fabric. As he was the second highest general (the Emperor being the first), his uniform was almost in the shade of black.
The party was meant for him but since he never liked those, he came in late. If there was one perk of being a prince that he did not like, it was this. He waited behind the closed doors for Jinghua (Doctor). It had not been a minute when he heard her rushed footsteps on the granite floor.
"I'm here! I'm here!" she said, looking disheveled as she was trying to insert an earring.
She skidded to a stop by his side and he waited again for her to fix herself.
"What is this?" he asked, one of the corner of his lips quirking upwards. He touched the frilly sleeve of her arm. It was an off-shoulder dress in the shade of blue green. It had a mixture of different layers. "You look like a sea goddess' vomit."
Jinghua widened her eyes at him in a glare. "Don't you even dare."
"What?" he grinned at her. "Are you finally in the mood to find a husband?"
Jinghua turned twenty-one a year ago—which was considered the marrying age in their land. "I'm too busy for a husband," she said quietly. Then loudly, "All year long I am busy with the soldiers that you keep sending home because they are too injured to go with you anymore!"
"So it's my fault that you cannot find a husband?!"
"Yes, you."
He crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Then you should tell the Emperor to stop sending me outside the walls as you are too tired of fixing up the broken men that I send home."
Jinghua's lips pressed into a thin line and Yang Qui's lips smiled wider.
"I miss teasing you," he said good-naturedly and Jinghua bowed her head, her cheeks turning crimson. Finally, she looked complete. "You ready?"
"Yeah," she said and took a deep breath when she latched onto his arm. "Poker face."
Tianshi Xue had been excited to attend a royal party. Most of the time, only the other noble people were allowed to be a part of it. But in rare occasions, the Emperor sent out invitation to some of his favorite artists. Directors, actors, painters were among the few that had already stepped foot inside the palace despite being a commoner. It had been one of Tianshi Xue's dream, to be able to star in a film that would make its way to the Emperor's screen and she would get her invite.
But tonight, only a small crowd had been invited to welcome back the third prince in the empire. There were around sixty to seventy people inside the room, all dressed in the latest summer fashion. There was a lively chatter going on. People were socializing and Tianshi Xue was finally meeting some of the most beautiful faces in the country!
Everything seemed to stop when the doors opened and the announcer said, "His Highness, 3rd Prince, Yang Qui, and Doctor Lim Jinghua."
Tianshi Xue almost staggered. The 3rd prince came in with a date?! What in the world was happening? Positively, the prince blackmailed, threatened, or hypnotized that woman into coming with him.
Oh, Tianshi Xue cried in her mind. She looked so sad with him. She was not even smiling and sure enough the third prince's blank face sent a chill down her spine.
Him and his partner's footsteps echoed in the now quiet chamber and he stopped in the middle of the room, looking around at the people. The prince looked handsome, as much as Tianshi Xue did not want to think about that. He looked like he should be painted, or sculpted with his youth, freeze him forever for the next generation to look at.
"I want to thank you all in behalf on my soldiers for always praying for our safe return. May you all enjoy the party."
Two sentences. Two frigging sentences and the people were clapping for him. But clearly, the atmosphere already changed. The dynamic talking turned into a soft buzz of whispers, afraid to talk too loudly.
Prince Xiaodan was already beside her. "It's okay," he pulled her close to him. "Let's just ignore him." The prince smiled down at her, pulling her attention away from the daunting figure in the middle of the room. "A lot are asking about our wedding. Let's go."
For the next hour, Prince Xiaodan guided her around the room, purposefully the farthest away from Prince Qui as they could get. But it was not like Tianshi Xue did not sneak glances at him.
She sipped from her champagne flute while her eyes roamed around the place. The 3rd prince had settled on one of the thrones near his father and his lady friend was offered a seat next to him. They were talking. TALKING. She just could not believe it!
How mortifying! Tianshi Xue exclaimed in her mind. That doctor must be under some spell. She could even put her face close to his and whisper on his ear.
As if sensing that someone was looking at him, the prince blinked and when he opened his eyes HE WAS STARING RIGHT AT TIANSHI XUE.
Suddenly, she was choking and pounding on her chest. Please, let not this be an ugly choke, she prayed. But the liquid was stuck on her throat that she coughed harder, unable to breathe. Prince Xiaodan was clapping her back.
When the liquid finally found its right tube and Tianshi Xue already straightened up, her face grew hot. Everything was quiet. Everyone was looking at her like she was a strange species.
"What? None of you ever choked on a liquid?!"
That was what she wanted to say if she were in her own body. But she was Princess Yingyue in this world. So she smiled and bowed apologetically until everyone resumed to their businesses.
She turned to the thrones and saw that the Emperor was looking over at her worriedly so she bowed to him too. Her eyes slid to Prince Qui. His lady friend had a troubled look in her eyes while trying to crane her neck—probably to make sure that she was alright.
Tianshi Xue's muscles froze as her eyes met the prince's for the second time. His lips widened to a grin that made her shiver, but unable to pull her gaze away. Then as if daring her to not look away, the prince's perfect eyebrow twitched.
Tianshi Xue's stomach twisted into knots.
It was only when Prince Xiaodan held her face that her attention switched back to him. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah…" she said. "I'm fine."
When Tianshi Xue peeked again at Prince Qui, he was already in another deep conversation with the doctor. As if he did not just tried to kill her with his eyes.