For the Worse

After the teasing the crap out of Jinghua (Doctor), Yang Qui (3rd Prince) decided to give his friend a couple of minutes of break. He went to the restroom and splashed water on his face. He looked at the mirror, trying to come up with the words.

"Father, they are coming for us," he thought in his head. He didn't need to sugarcoat anything. His father had once been a soldier before he was named Emperor. He would understand his bluntness. He had to tell him tonight.

They needed to prepare.

In this New World, information was hard to come by. Most of everything was in ruins. If you didn't have a spy from the enemy's land, you would not be able to know what their next move would be. The only thing that you can do is to be always prepared. That was the main reason why the Emperor had built the wall around Heping. Only a crazy general with a death wish would attack a walled palace. That was basic war tactic.

"They are coming for her." He shook his head. "This should be the least of my concerns," he whispered to himself then went out of the bathroom.

He was already on his way back to the ballroom when he noticed a figure in the air. He thought it was some sky goddess with the way her clothes floated behind her. Only when he saw the strands of silver hair that he realized it was Princess Yingyue.

It was as if his body vibrated and his instincts took over. He ran to her. It felt like the balcony hallway stretched forever.

But the next moment, his hand was reaching for her gown and he was pulling. He wasn't sure if he really caught her as she was already falling forward to gravity.

He took a breath when he felt her weight on his arms. His heart was beating so fast, and very embarrassingly, in his chest.

"Ow!" she exclaimed.

Yang Qui already rolled his eyes before the princess could open hers to glare at him, her bluish-violet eyes angry. "Oh come on, it didn't even hurt."

The princess gasped and stared at him in horror and Yang Qui fought the urge to roll his eyes again. The princess yelped and shoved against his chest so hard he dropped her on the ground.

Just then, they attracted the attention of the people from the inside of the ballroom. How perfect, he remarked sarcastically in his mind. Prince Xiaodan (2nd Prince) came in and rushed to the princess on the floor.

"Are you alright?" he asked in worry.

"Always the prince charming," he sneered.

Prince Xiaodan threw daggers at him with his eyes. It would be nicer if he could actually wield a dagger, Yang Qui thought. "What did you do to her?!"

Of course, I'm always the bad guy, Yang Qui's mind whispered.

More people came to see the spectacle. From the corner of his eyes, Yang Qui saw Jinghua pushing the people our of her way and the Emperor was looking over from his seat.

"I didn't do anything to her," he cooly said. "You should ask your fiancee why she was trying to jump off the balcony."

Tianshi Xue froze. Darn it! her mind cursed. What made her think that the Prince Qui was going to cover up that she was trying to kill herself. It felt like he was announcing it to everyone at the party.

Silence ensued.

"W-what?" Prince Xiaodan voiced out, not asking anyone in particular. He probably also didn't know why he was asking that question.

Prince Qui shrugged a shoulder. "I think the idea of being married to you is that insufferable that she wanted to kill herself." Prince Qui chuckled at his own joke. "I'm going back in… and yeah, you're welcome. I saved your bride from death."


Tianshi Xue just wanted to disappear. What was she thinking?! Of all the places, why did she try to kill herself there?! Now, how was she going to be able to explain this to Prince Xiaodan? Oh, how he must hate her now. And that stupid Prince Qui planted the idea that she hated her fiancee.

It was not even the case!!!!!

"Are you okay?" the doctor was on her knees beside her, lifting the fabric of her gown, making sure that she was not harmed in anyway. Her face looked even more beautiful under the moonlight and her dark long hair fell over her shoulder in luxurious waves. She could've been a model if she chose it. A successful one at that.

She didn't look like she was in any influence into coming in with that monstrous prince. Another thing was that, she was kind. There was concern in her eyes.

"Is she okay?" Prince Xiaodan asked. The people already went back to the party, seeing that the drama was over.

"Are you hurt in anyway, Your Highness?" The Doctor asked her.

Tianshi Xue shook her head. "I'm not." She could hardly believe that the words came from her. After almost trying to kill herself, she didn't want to be in charge of the princess' body anymore.

The Doctor sighed. "Prince Xiaodan, I highly recommend you to take the princess to the hospital tomorrow."

The Prince nodded. "Yes, yes, I will. We were just too busy today. I will definitely bring her tomorrow. Thank you, Doctor."

The Doctor gave a smile to the princess and went back inside.

Now, she was alone with Prince Xiaodan. She didn't want to face him. The shame that she was feeling.

Ugh, Tianshi Xue thought in her mind. Why did I do this?!

She closed her eyes, waiting for the prince's wrath for bringing him embarrassment.

But it did not come.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked, still on the floor with her.

Her eyes opened in panic and she immediately went on her knees and faced him. "No, my prince."

There was pain and confusion in his black eyes. "Don't you want to get married to me?"

"I do! I do want to! That's the only thing that I want." Tianshi Xue was almost ashamed with how the words sounded. But IF the princess had been here, that was what she would say. But then again, the princess wouldn't try to catapult herself into the night and plop dead on the ground floor.

"Then why are you… why did you try to--"

There was no way out of this conversation. There was only one card left in the deck for her. It was the sick card. "My prince, I think there is something wrong with me. We should really have my head checked in the hospital. I wasn't thinking earlier. I didn't even know that I was…"

She cut off trying to be more dramatic, pulling up tears—it was one of the skills an actress should already master. "I didn't even know I was on the ledge already!"

She was sobbing real tears. "I'm so sorry, my prince! I was out of my mind. If Prince Qui didn't…" she didn't finish her sentence and shook her head. "I would've been dead already."

It was a cruel thing to do. Now Prince Xiaodan would feel like he was indebted to Prince Qui of some sort for "saving" her life.

"Shhh," Prince Xiaodan hugged her. "It's going to be fine. You should rest. We'll find out what's wrong tomorrow."

The Prince promised her that it would be fine. But it would never be after this night. Ever since Prince Qui touched her, Tianshi Xue's life was about to turn for the second time around.

This time, for the worse.

Her happy ending already ended five minutes ago.