Not This Time

Tianshi Xue's mind had not yet caught up with everything that was happening. The hallways of the palace were filled with bustling servants, carrying precious items into safe places. Prince Qui lead her to corridors she hadn't been able to explore with Prince Xiaodan earlier that day.

"Where are you taking me?" Tianshi Xue, asked the prince, her breath running. His long strides were nothing compared to her short ones. Two of his steps were three for her. If she were in her own body, she could've matched his steps with her legs that went on for miles. But Princess Lin Yingyue's legs were short! She didn't even reach the prince's shoulder!

"It's best if you don't know," Prince Qui replied to her, rounding another corridor that lead to a dark stone staircase. Tianshi Xue would not go down there on a normal day and she felt her fear pull her. However, the prince's grip on her was stronger as he continued to drag her.

Against the dark, Tianshi Xue could make out the silhouette of what looked like an old kitchen. There was a door at one corner. Prince Qui shouldered it open and Tianshi Xue was surprised to see that there were people outside.

"Hurry, they are almost at the gate," said one who had a close cropped hair, not hiding the frown of his features.

One of the men helped Tianshi Xue atop a horse. For a brief second, she was amazed to be riding the tall animal. They still had cars inside the walls of Heping and she had used it conveniently. But a horse... even with fear, she was amazed to be riding something alive. After her fleeting happiness, reality dawned on her that the prince was really taking her out of the walls.

Her whole body froze when she felt that someone also got up the horse. Their body heat warmed her back through her thin night clothes. "Don't move so much," Prince Qui said, grabbing the reins, his arms on either side of her waist.

Tianshi Xue suddenly felt her heart beating too loud in her chest. That's fear, she convinced herself. That's fear.

"Zip up," The Prince told her and with shaking fingers she raised the zipper of her jacket. "Now, put on the hood, make sure to cover your hair."

Tianshi Xue cursed the silver hair of the princess. It was beautiful and glorious but now she had to hide it.

"We're ready, General."

Prince Qui moved closer and pulled Tianshi Xue until she was flushed against his chest. "Lean with me and keep your head down." He did not waste another second and they were hurtling in the air.


Tianshi Xue's view was obstructed by the hood of the jacket but she could not help but take peeks to see where they were going. The prince took the least crowded streets. One of his soldiers went ahead to check where they should turn. Tianshi Xue could see the people were being herded away to safe areas.

There had been a lot of drills for this event. The Emperor already had emergency bunks constructed where people could seek shelter when times like this arises. Usually, there was nothing to be worried about. The walls protected them since they were built. None had ever passed through Heping's gates.

Usually, the leader of the army beyond the wall would be brought in front of the Emperor—who was a firm believer that one should first offer kindness to the enemies. Most of the time, the leader would back out and take home their armies. But there were times that he would push through, do as much damage as he could, then die in the process.

Tianshi Xue did not notice how much time passed while she was on top of the horse, but the one thing that she knew was that her legs were already aching when Prince Qui finally pulled the reins, making the horse stop.

The prince was off the horse in an instant then he pulled her down. Tianshi Xue craned her neck and saw that they were in front of the wall. She could not see where it ended. "Why did we stop?" she asked.

No one answered her and two men started working on the locked gate. She looked around and found that they were five all in all. That was it? Five people?

"Move," Prince Qui said when the gate was finally open.

"Are we leaving the horses?" she asked.

"Not unless you want to lead them uphill, then be my guest," answered The Prince.

"Are you leaving them here?"

The Prince sighed. "Someone's going to get them, okay? Stop worrying about the horses and think about your own life. Now, move."

Tianshi Xue put her hands inside her pockets. It was so cold! But on the more important note, she would be one of the people who would be able to go out of the wall. For real. Her hands were shaking in nervousness.

All she could see was darkness and an empty road. Trees covered both sides of it and it was so quiet that you could hear the crickets. The two men were the first to pass the gate.

"Clear," they both said after a few moments.

Tianshi Xue was suddenly reminded of what the Prince said earlier. Wolves… "When are we going back?"

Prince Qui already ran out of patience and took her arm. He lead her to the gate. "We'll go back when it's safe. In the meantime, we are going to hide until the invasion stops."

"But why me? Why not take away the Emperor? He's far more important than I am."

"Not this time," he sighed, not liking to admit that there was someone far more important than the leader of their empire. "We think it's someone that you know who's at our gates."

Tianshi Xue knew nothing about the Princess' family other than what they were taught in school. It was said that the Shanmai Empire had the biggest army when it was The Tyrant Emperor that ruled them. He had been slain in battle against Heping. Now it was the princess' brother who sat at the throne.

"You mean," she started, thinking her words. "You think my brother has come for me?"

Prince Qui only looked down at her. "There's no certainty to that. It could be an enemy who wants to take you away from us. Don't worry. My men are very capable."

Tianshi Xue almost pulled her arm away. "Are you? Capable, I mean?"

"Would I be a general if I wasn't? I'll protect you with my life."

Tianshi Xue did not know what happened. She sucked her cheeks to stop herself from smiling. No, this is not happening! she scolded herself. She didn't want the butterflies to fly in her stomach but when someone was telling you that they were going to protect you at all costs, it was hard to stop the beautiful insects from soaring.

"Let's go," he said, holding her arm as they passed through the gate.

Tianshi Xue, although in the body of Princess Lin Yingyue, was officially out of the wall.