Learn and Adapt

As Tianshi Xue could not sleep the night before, her thoughts drifted to her past life. How was she going to return to her body? This world do not believe in magic. Only the strong would survive in their time and age. She didn't want to think that something supernatural happened for her soul to transfer to another body but she couldn't shake off the feeling either.

Then how else could it have happened?

Did her soul refuse to die that it pushed another soul out of its body and assume position?

Yeah that would something that I would do, she thought in her head. But she wouldn't actually do it.

She thought that she was going to die. Another thing that she did was swore that she would put the person who tried to kill her to justice.

She gave it another thought. Was it possible that this was her second chance? But then why Princess Yingyue's body? That she could not make sense of. It was not like she had been deprived of power when she was an actress—she was someone who took it.

They better make sure that they made my body's funeral the best there is, she thought in her head.

The morning came and Tianshi Xue did not feel any better from last night's exhaust. She was still tired and sleepy, her legs felt like they were going to fall off her body. She waited until she heard people talking from the outside before she got up.

"What's for breakfast?" she asked, feeling her thirst scratching at her throat.

"We were only able to procure just enough from the banquet last night, Your Highness," said the one soldier Tianshi Xue hadn't met the night before. His hair fell to his forehead and everything on his face looked big apart from his eyes.

"Hi," she said, trying a smile.

The man quickly got to his feet and bowed down. "Lt. Col. Feng, Your Highness. Good morning."

"Good morning," she said and looked around. What was so good about this morning? The shack was in a worse state than she thought. It looked like it could be uprooted by a storm. "Where's the bathroom?"

Just then Prince Qui exited his tent and she was taken back to see him wearing a loose shirt with a weapon belt tied to his waist. He looked like a normal citizen.

"Where's the bathroom?" she asked again and no one answered. "There's not a single bathroom here?!" she demanded. She badly needed to pee.

"I'll come with you," answered Prince Qui.

She followed him to the back of the shack. To her relief, there was an isolated stall for a bathroom. It looked as old at the shack but it was better than nothing.

"Go ahead," Prince Qui said, stopping a few paces away from the bathroom.

Tianshi Xue pushed the door open and the amount of disgust rolled through body, making her shiver. She was out of the "bathroom" in a split second. "No," she laughed. She shook her head. "I am not going to be using this."

Prince Qui only stared at her.

"THIS IS NOT A BATHROOM," she said. "Just because you sawed a hole on a crate, it doesn't mean that it's a toilet."

"Actually, the waste would go—"

"No," she shook her head firmly, agitated. "YOU'RE A PRINCE!" she said, trying to remind him because it seemed like he already forgot.

"I am very much aware," Prince Qui nodded.

"How could you call that a bathroom?!"

"I am also a soldier. I don't get to be picky."

Tianshi Xue did not want to scoff, but it came out of her lips anyway. "I'm a princess! You can't expect me to use that! I'd rather pee in the river!"

Prince Qui glowered. "I am a prince. I outrank you and I am going to use that bathroom because I need to survive. Don't use it if you don't want to. Not my fault if you're going to get sick."

Tianshi Xue wanted to put her foot down. But on the prince's second sentence, it was as if her lips had been sewed shut.

"Are you going to use the bathroom or not?" he asked with a hard tone and a glare in his eyes.

Tianshi Xue's body was revolting in repugnance. But she had no choice. The prince clearly was not going to provide her with another bathroom. She took in a deep breath and went in. She did not even bother to sit on the crate. She squatted, hoping nothing would come and bite the princess' already small ass.


Prince Qui walked the princess back to the shack and he settled himself near the center where Feng was trying to make plates for everybody. He ordered that the preserved food should only be eaten once the food from the banquet was already gone.

Feng made his voice louder, "Princess, are you going to eat?"

He was answered by a hard huff of a "No!"

Feng's head snapped to Prince Qui. "What did you do?"

"She needed to pee. I gave her a bathroom."

Feng shook his head and proceeded with what he was doing. "You might want to take it easy on her. She's still a princess after all. She had been inside palaces her whole life. She knew nothing of how we live outside the walls."

Prince Qui took a handful of grapes. His mind was clear. There was nothing wrong with teaching a person to survive. "It's time she learn and adapt."