
Tianshi Xue always loved mirrors. She was the kind of woman who always smiled at her reflection on any shiny surface. If you have a face like hers, wouldn't you want to look at it repeatedly and admire its beauty?

She was very much aware of her narcissistic tendencies. People called her out for it but she didn't mind it at all. All she knew was that she was beautiful and she loved who she was.

But now that her whole face was itching along with her neck and arms? This might be the first time that she would not want to look at her reflection. It wouldn't be even her face! It would be the princess' face but she was scared nonetheless.

She could feel the itchy bumps on what had been smooth skin.

Silently, she cursed Prince Qui. He must've known she was allergic to something and did this to sabotage her!

"How petty," she muttered under her breath as she applied a new layer of the ointment.

She loved using products excessively, but seeing the small container that was bringing her relief since last night, she grew worried that she would run out.

Just as she was about to be done, there was a knock on her door. Mortified that someone was going to see her in this state, she threw herself against it. "What do you want?!"

It was Feng who answered her. "Princess, do you want me to take a look at your allergies?"

She answered it with a hard "NO!"

"Okay," Feng said. "Are you feeling any trouble breathing?"


"With your eyesight?"


"Thank you for answering, Your Highness. We just want to make sure you're okay. Is the ointment helping?"


"We're going to make some more for you. We still haven't heard from the palace. It looks like we might be staying here for a while. Here's your breakfast. Can you open the door, Princess? I don't want to leave your food on the floor."

And because he asked nicely, Tianshi Xue opened the door just enough for the plate to fit. She took it and closed the door again. "Thanks."

Today's breakfast was of canned beans and rice. She honestly could not believe that soldiers really did carry kitchen items whenever they go out in the field. She munched on her breakfast. She had been trying to not eat too much the past two days as she didn't want to have to go to the bathroom, but she could no longer hold her hunger.

"I'll be damned," she said to herself at the prospect of having to use the dirty toilet.

After breakfast there was another knock on her door. She pushed the plate on the small space but no one grabbed it from her.

"Open up."

Tianshi Xue frowned at the voice. "What do you want?"

"I'm your prince. Open up the door."

She hated it when he brought it up. She didn't have a choice but to obey. She pulled it open and the prince got inside. She immediately turned her face away although he had already seen her last night. But it was daytime and there was more light.

"Doctor Jung said that it would do you good if you're going to wash yourself. You're going to take a bath in the river." Prince Qui did not make any mention of how red she looked.

"Will I go alone?"

"Of course not. I will be right there with you. You're the only one who hasn't taken a bath among us for three days. You're going to start to smell."

Tianshi Xue glared. She had never smelled bad. Even after hours of sweating, she would not even have any odor. But that was her old body. She didn't even want to take the risk of smelling the princess' armpits.

"I'll find you coconuts for your ointment. When I get back, we're leaving for your bath."

"You're not going to look while I bathe, right?"

Prince Qui did not answer and she raised her head to see his face. His expression was as stony as ever. "Do I look like I would take a peek while you're naked?"

Her face grew warm. "O-of course not! But you never know!"

"Would you rather it's one of my soldiers with you?"

Tianshi Xue was in the body of the princess, if there would be anyone who would see her naked accidentally, she would rather it a prince than a soldier. "N-no."

"Then prepare yourself. You can get bath items from Doctor Jung. I'll be back in a short while."