Human Pillow

Tianshi Xue was confused when she heard the knocks after dinner. Usually, when she disappeared in her shack, they would leave her alone.

"What?" she asked.

"Can you open the door?" The prince asked.

Tianshi Xue rolled her eyes. "Why would I do that?"

"I need to talk to you."

"At this hour?"

"Especially at this hour."

What could be so important that the prince had to talk to her? She got up, dragging her feet off the floor and lazily opened the door. She made no move to let him in. "What?" she placed a hand on her hip.

The prince looked behind her. "Can we speak inside?"

She stepped out of the way and the prince went in, closing the door behind him. Just from that, her heart suddenly started beating loud in her chest. "Why did you close the door?" she asked in panic.

"Listen, I'm not going to beat around the bush," the prince said, holding the hilt of his sword. "These soldiers are scared for their lives."

"I am too," she said.

"But they are more scared. Their lives depend on yours."

Tianshi Xue was taken aback. Why were they having this conversation in the middle of the night? "Why is that? Why are you putting all that pressure on me? Aren't you their general? You're responsible for everything that they would do and what would happen to them."

"Everything that they would do, sure," he nodded. "But whatever happens to them in this mission depends on you."

"Why me?!"

"It depends on your health. Even my life is on the line. In case you haven't noticed, the emperor values you a lot. If something happens to you—or your health declines, he's going to chop our heads."

"Ha!" she scoffed. "He wouldn't go that far!"

But as soon as those words left her lips, she regretted them. Of course the emperor would go that far. Hell, he took the princess from her homeland and make her his hostage!

Prince Qui sighed. "We have to find you a way to help you sleep."

"The pillows did not work."

"Yes, and according to Doctor Jung, a few more sleepless nights would cause you to lose weight and be more prone to sickness." He sighed once more and Tianshi Xue got the idea that he was also being forced to do this. "That's why I'm helping you sleep tonight."

Tianshi Xue's hand immediately went to cover her chest. "W-what are you talking about?!" she asked, watching as the prince was already detaching the sword from his waist.

"You owe it to your people to try," he said as he took off his shoes.

Tianshi Xue's eyes widened. No, no, no, this is not happening! her mind screamed. She was not going to get into bed with The Conqueror. "N-no! I'm not doing this."

The prince rolled his eyes at her. "You're overreacting. I'm not going to sleep with you THAT way. Didn't I tell you that I am not interested?" Then he got on the bed and lay down so straight he somehow resembled a corpse. "I said I am going to help you sleep. That's why I'm here."

"What do you mean?"

Prince Qui's jaw locked and she saw a vein popped on his neck. Still, he tried to say these words with dignity. "I… I'll be your human pillow."

Tianshi Xue almost fell to the ground. Did an earthquake happen? Why did her knees suddenly feel weak. What did he say? "W-what?!"

The prince's gave her a hard glare. He was not going to repeat what he just said.

"What? You want me to get into bed just because you said so?! I'm going to tell this to Pri—"

"Oh just get in here already," he said impatiently and reached for her hand. He pulled hard that she dropped down next to him, her head on his shoulder. "Fix your position. I don't think your body will thank you if you fall asleep with half of your body still on the floor."

Tianshi Xue's lips clamped shut and she brought her legs on the side of the bed, keeping her body ramrod straight. "Why are we doing this again?"

"My soldiers are worried. You're a princess—future wife of a prince of Heping," he avoided getting specific as Xiaodan was not the only option now, "They will be your people. Are you really willing to let them die without trying every option? If this does not work, then we'll try another thing tomorrow. Anything that would help you sleep."

Tianshi Xue considered this. The prince made a point. If she hadn't had a good meal tonight, she would be probably feeling like she was going to die tomorrow. "Okay, but this is the only time that we're doing this."

"Do you think I want to do this?!" the prince answered vehemently. "If they hadn't been pestering me I wouldn't have done this!"

"Ah, ah," she countered, tired of hearing his voice. "But what made you think that this would work?"

"You asked me for a pillow! You thought that it would help you sleep. I'm warm and a possible equivalent of three pillows. That ought to be enough, don't you think?"

Tianshi Xue crossed her arms and closed her eyes. In a snob way, she said, "Can you be quiet now so I can try to sleep?"

"With pleasure," the prince replied to her.

Tianshi Xue did not believe that this plan would work.

She was the most surprised when it did.