
Bolin was giddy. He was peering from the flap of his tent, making sure that the prince would not be stepping out of the door.

For a short time, there was something like a mildly heated discussion. When it settled, Bolin was ready to face the disappointment that the plan did not work.

But the prince did not get out of the shack so that would only mean that he had been able to convince the princess. He took the small pebble that he got earlier that day and threw it to Feng's tent. It bounced off but his friend peeked out.

He gave a thumbs up. He could feel his lips stretching and he plopped down on his sleeping bag with a small smile on his face.

There was no guarantee that the prince being a human pillow would work. But at least they could already cross out that idea if it would fail.

His life was no longer his. That was the reality he accepted when he joined Heping's army. Forcibly, he was taken out of his home to serve and protect this empire. He did not bear any hard feelings about it because it was something that he would do anyway.

But even then, he could not help spending his nights fearing for his life. If he was going to die, he wanted to die on the battlefield. Not because the princess was sick. That was not the way to die.

So tonight, he allowed himself to fall asleep peacefully, thinking about his mother and younger brother. And he thought about coming home soon.


Bolin was up early. It was as if the excitement was still coursing through his veins.

"You can sleep now," he told Aiguo who was still standing guard. "I'll be cooking breakfast."

Aiguo just nodded and his eyes flitted to the closed door of the shack. Bolin followed his gaze.

"Did the prince leave?"

Aiguo shook his head.

"That's a good thing, right? The princess did not kick him out."

"I guess," Aiguo replied lamely and crawled inside his tent.

Before he was done cooking, Doctor Jung also woke up. "You should wake them up."

Bolin looked over his shoulder. "I think we should just let them sleep."

"The princess has to eat at this hour. I heard she could get acidic if she misses a meal," said the doctor like he was just tired of living here also.

He put out the fire and walked to the shack to wake up the royalties. He could not wait to hear about how the princess slept. It must be nice for her.

If Bolin had been a woman, he would have fawned over the prince. He was handsome, strong, and a real leader in the making. If the princess had not already been engaged with the second prince, he would have rooted for the general and the princess to be together.

"General Yang?" he knocked. "Princess Yingyue? It's already morning, Your Highnesses."

If you come to think of it, if the general and the princess would get married, they would make an adorable couple. They hated each other's guts. Hopefully, it would be something like the dramas that they show on TV. When the enemies turned to lovers. That always made a good love story.

"Your Highnesses?" he asked a little louder, not hearing anything in the room.

He knocked and he must've applied too much force as the door swung open.

"Your Highnesses?" he asked, peering from the corner.

Then Bolin's heart dropped to the floor.

All he could see was the blood.

He screamed and for the first time in his life, he fainted.