
Prince Qui must be delusional if he really thought that Tianshi Xue would apologize to that lady.

Unlike him, she was in the right state of mind. Besides, there was no reason for her to apologize. In this situation, she thought that she was right, therefore she would be the correct one. Tianshi Xue was always right, even when she was wrong.

The last of the visitors finally bowed away and Tianshi Xue was lead to one of the seats that faced the whole crowd. She sighed internally as she stretched her legs secretly—or at least she hoped that it was a secret.

The cut of her dress and the thin fabric barely left much for the imagination. Her legs were exposed for everyone to see.

Ah, it was boring to be a royal, she thought in her mind. She wanted to mingle and whisper about the haughty people in their thrones. But she was now one of those people in the thrones.

She bet that was what they were all talking about. Perhaps they would be comparing gifts, trying to see who had gotten the better and more expensive gift for the newlyweds. Or perhaps… one group of these people were planning to murder the royal family and overthrow the emperor.

That would make a good drama, her mind whispered. It would be fun to see people trying to compete for the one crown. It could be bloody, full of treachery, and betrayals. Just the kind of story which Tianshi Xue wished to be a part of.

Can princesses become actresses? She should really suggest the idea to the emperor. Or she could create her own drama and star in it at the same time. Surely, the emperor would grant her wish. He would pay for the production and all of that.

Heavens, Xue, she scolded herself. She was not supposed to be thinking about this. She should not let her mind wonder like everything was alright in her life.

After all, she was still stuck in the body of the princess and nowhere near knowing who had been her attacker at the yacht.

She leaned on the left side of her seat, hoping to speak lowly with the prince. "Do you think I could have a Linker (cellphone)?"

Prince Qui only gave her a side glance. "I'd give you one tonight if you would apologize to that lady."

Tianshi Xue fought the urge to cross her arms over her chest. "I don't think I need you to get a Linker!"

"Ah, you do," he said. "We're husband and wife now. We both get a say with everything that will happen in our lives. Especially our properties."

"Wow, but it looks like you're the only one with a mouthful of words that has worth."

"Tsk," the prince said. "Just apologize to her. I'll make sure to get everything that you could possibly want if you would also help me."

Help? The prince needed help? Why was he so adamant about her apologizing to that girl? She smelled something fishy. "Do you like her?"


"Do you like her?"

"Why on earth would I like her?"

"I don't know," she said, taking a quick peek at the girl with the two buns on her head. "You barely get to see women when you're on the field. Your imaginations must've ran wild thinking about them. And this particular girl has some nice features. She looks like she had just stepped out of a fantasy novel. She might be up your all—"

"Stop it," he said. "Just stop it. You're nowhere near the right answer." The prince scratched at the corner of his eyebrow. "How about this, you apologize to her and I get you a Linker and you can have the bed for yourself for a week."

"Make that two."

"Deal," he said and offered his hand to her.

She waved it away. No way she was going to touch him willingly.

"Well, be on your way then," said Prince Qui.

"Alright, alright," she grumbled under her breath. She gathered her skirts and stood up. One of the guards had helped her stepped down the short stairs.

People broke away to let her pass and she smiled at all of them kindly, wishing no one would stop her because she had already forgotten their names.

She reached the girl who looked like she had been waiting for Tianshi Xue to come to her. Her eyes looked the same, demeaning and disdainful.

Oh, how Tianshi Xue wished that she could just grab those buns and pull the lady out of her wedding party. Instead, she smiled at the lady who had an arrogant smile on her face…

…and hell broke loose just a little after that.