Welcome to the Family

Tianshi Xue suddenly lost her tongue. She didn't know what she was supposed to say. There was no other decision that would save Lady Nia's life. She barely knew the woman and they only had one interaction. As far as she was concerned, this woman did not deserve to die just because of what she said.

But the emperor thought otherwise. How could he? He was going to kill one of his people. Just how would he look like in the eyes of others?

But then again, if he would not do anything about the person who had somehow slandered a member of his family, the chances of it being a repeated offense would increase.

"What's it going to be, my daughter-in-law?" the Emperor pressed.

Tianshi Xue's mouth refused to move. She was not going to be the one who would say yes to the death of this person.

There was something warm on closing on her wrist. It was Prince Qui's hand. She thought that it would be comforting, that the gesture would tell her that it would be alright for her to kill this woman.

But no.

The prince's hold was harsh. He squeezed and squeezed until her hand felt like it was not a part of her body. He completely cut off her circulation.

Instead of a comfort, it was a warning.

Just answer him, his hold told her, before he adds another body on the list to burden you further.

Tianshi Xue felt something inside of her broke. Was she really responsible for this person's life? Was this what it meant to hold power?

Her whole body had gone cold. She had never wanted to leave the princess' body now more than ever. Whatever she had been complaining about before, she would gladly take it all back if that would mean that she would not be in this situation anymore.

However, the reality was, she was stuck in this situation and she had to decide.


Tianshi Xue tried flexing her fingers. From the tone of the Emperor, he sounded like he was getting impatient. She wanted to stand up and scream at him, "Well, I'm sorry for taking too long to decide how this person should die!"

Another squashing squeeze from Prince Qui brought her back to reality. She twisted her wrist so he would let go of her. "I…" her throat felt raspy.

The Emperor smiled, he was clearly enjoying that she was feeling uncomfortable. How cruel could this man be? "Should I have her flogged downstairs? Boil her in a huge cauldron, perhaps?"

She shook her head. She could not say anything further. She didn't want to directly say the words.

"Quick death then?" the Emperor asked her and he looked at Lady Nia who was already crying at the foot of the stairs. "Should I have you shot?"

No one voiced a syllable.

"Should I have her shot?" asked the Emperor to Tianshi Xue.

She had the sudden urge to leave her seat and cry in a corner. She could already feel it on her throat and by the heaviness in her chest.

Her head moved on its own. It shook.

The Emperor smiled brighter. "Hanging by the neck then." Without another glance at Lady Nia, he waved a hand in the air and started walking to his throne. "Take her away!"

He ordered this like he was asking for a cup of water.

Two guards immediately moved on either side of the begging lady. Her cries and pleas echoed in the hall. Her voice was broken and guttural. Her face red and swollen from crying.

"Please, please! PLEASE! No! Please, Your Imperial Majesty! I won't do it again! Cut off my tongue instead! Please, please!"

The two guards hauled her by her arms and they literally had to drag her off she refused to stand up. She used the heels of her shoes to slow them down but they were of not help.

"Don't look," the prince whispered at her ear.

She also wanted to look away, but her eyes refused to move. Deep inside, she knew that this was the only thing that she could do for this lady. Stick by her words and look her in the eyes.

Tianshi Xue regretted it. Before the guards and Lady Nia was through the doors, the lady already stopped protesting. Her hopelessness was turned into anger.

"I hope you all burn in hell!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Then her head whipped and her eyes almost cut Tianshi Xue. "Especially you. I'll see you in the underworld."

Then the doors closed, blocking out the sound.

The Emperor waved and the music started again. The people murmured for a few seconds before going back to their conversations like nothing happened.

Was this how it had always been in the palace?

"Do you want to leave?" Prince Qui asked her but her mouth was not functioning yet. She could not imagine but she was thankful that he stood up and faced his father. "I think the princess is tired for the night. We'll retire in our chambers, Father."

The Emperor nodded understandably. "Go on. Lots of festivities to catch up on tomorrow."

"Let's go, Princess," said Prince Qui with a stony expression on his face. Of course, he was already used to this. He was also just one of the helpless ones under the The Emperor's orders.

Tianshi Xue did not know where she got the strength to stand up without her knees buckling under her. She made it two steps down when the Emperor called her back.

"Oh, I almost forget," he smiled at her. "Welcome to the family."