Curse and Blessing

The role of Chuntao was not something that Tianshi Xue planned to take. She didn't want to venture on that field yet. She was having fun playing the school mean girl in the dramas and roles that she got. There was not much work and yet the money was good.

But when Dandan got the offer for the role as well, Tianshi Xue felt possessive of it. She suddenly wanted it more than anything. They were in the last batch of options for the role. It seemed like the first choices did not fit the role the way the producers thought.

"I'll be doing my audition tomorrow for Ace of Hearts," said Dandan while they are in the salon.

"Oh, are you sure?" Tianshi Xue asked, flipping through the magazine. She just sat down a few minutes ago and a woman was working her way through her hair.

"I thought about it and my manager and I think that it's for the best," she said, her smile wide on her face.

Tianshi Xue looked at her through the mirror. They both had the small nose, the full lips, and the sharp cuts on the jaw. Their only difference was, Dandan's eyes were smaller than hers and the corners of it slit, making it look like she was always scrutinizing everyone.

Dandan in real life was a lively girl. If you would ask Tianshi Xue, she should not play villain roles. She was kind that way. But they had been both given that villainess face. That one look and you know they are not friendly, that they look down on you, that they think they are better than you are.

For Dandan, it had been a curse for years. And for Tianshi Xue, it was a blessing.

She always said that everybody can play the role of a good girl. But the role of a villain was only for the chosen ones.

Tianshi Xue was not planning on taking up the role. She didn't want in. But she said, "I'll see you tomorrow, then," said her.

"Oh!" said Dandan, "I thought you were not interested?"

"I've thought about it last night when my manager reminded me that tomorrow is the last day for the auditions." In truth, she just shrugged at her manager.

Dandan smiled. "I'll see you there then." The stylist combed her hair for the last time and she stood up. "Good luck, Xue."

Tianshi Xue smiled. "You too."

As soon as Dandan was out of the threshold, she grabbed her phone and called her manager. "I changed my mind. I'm taking that audition tomorrow. Send me a copy of the script. I'm at the salon."


Tianshi Xue and Dandan had been one of the fan favorite best friends in the media. They went to the same acting workshop and most of the time, they were offered the same role. It would only be either of them that would fit the role.

When Tianshi Xue had enough money to afford a fancier education, she went where Dandan was attending. They were almost together 24/7.

While she was doing her audition, she didn't think that she would do that well acting out a Chuntao scene. The scene was when she was having her first conversation with the 'husband'. She was seducing him, making him want to give in to the temptation.

She had fun with it. She felt it in her bones that she was going to land this role. When she saw her clip after she went out of the room, she told herself that it was the a role that was meant for her. She was born to play Chuntao. This was the role that was going to make her a star.

"What time are you getting here? I just finished!!" she texted Dandan.

Dandan's response came a little later. "I woke up late!! I still have to get ready. But I'll be there. See you xx"

Tianshi Xue woke up early just so she could be one of the first people who will get to audition. While sitting there, waiting for her friend, a creeping feeling started in her chest. She was not even thinking about it but it entered her mind.

What if they liked Dandan's performance better? What if they chose her?

But Chuntao is mine!

It's going to be fine, said the reasonable part of her mind. You're going to get this role. It was made for you. You were made for it. They are going to choose you.

But what if they don't?

Tianshi Xue was not thinking when she contacted the man. She was not thinking when she made the order and sent the sum of money to his bank account.

An hour later, the breaking news was all over the TV and the internet.

Dandan was in a car accident.


"What the hell did you do?!" Tianshi Xue ran a hand through her hair. Her thick locks bounced out of their place. 

The man in front of her was cowering. Both of his hands were clasped together and his head was bowed. He kept on cringing as Tianshi Xue screamed her feelings in the fire exit.

"I told you to get her in a minor accident." Then she stepped closer to the man. In a voice close to a whisper, she said, "Not get her in a fucking hospital."

The man looked like he was near tears.

"I told you to delay her," she said through gritted teeth. "Not make her indisposed for months!"

"I… it was a mistake. Her car was a new model. Maybe I cut the wrong—"

"Of course you cut the wrong thing! You cut the brakes of her car!" Tianshi Xue turned away from the man. Her entire being felt hot. She could only imagine how red she looked now.

Tianshi Xue did not know much about cars. Was it really possible that this man cut the wrong cord—or whatever it was?

She instructed him to mess with the car. Not mess to the point that it was going to result in an accident. She had been clear that the car should not start.

"Get lost," she hissed through her teeth. "Never show your face to me again."

She heard the shuffling of feet and then the door closing. When he was gone, Tianshi Xue screamed and screamed until at least half of her frustration was out of her body. 


"I heard you got it," smiled Dandan from her bed when Tianshi Xue was finally allowed to visit her in the hospital.

Tianshi Xue's knees felt like they were going to buckle under her when she saw Dandan's arm and leg suspended in the air with lines and were casted. She ignored what she said. "How are you feeling? Uncomfortable?"

"I don't really feel it," Dandan said, her head was wrapped with gauze. "I'm in heavy sedatives," she chuckled a little.

"I bet you're going to be a rich woman."

Dandan laughed. "Yup, we are suing the car company."

Tianshi Xue smiled at her friend. "They would've given you the role."

"Oh stop it," said Dandan. "I've seen the reel. You looked great. So tell me, when are you going to start?"

Tianshi Xue told her the specifics of the production. She wanted to take Dandan out of the misery she was in. But as she kept on talking and Dandan sat in the quiet, listening to her, a voice in her mind kept on saying…

She knows… she knows… she knows what you did.


Dandan was out of job for a whole year, recovering. She scored a lot of money from the car company.

And now… she was Chuntao.

Tianshi Xue was replaced by Dandan. 

She felt numb. "This is not happening," she told herself as the credits roll. 

She buried herself on her blanket. This time when she slept, she was going to be back to her own body. She was going to be Chuntao again.

She felt her tears coming. She had no particular reason why she was crying. But… it seemed like it was just in this moment that she had come to terms that she had already lost everything.


A hand on her shoulder woke her up. She tried to shake it off but it was persistent. "What?" she finally groaned, her throat hoarse.

"Wake up," said Prince Qui.

"Why?" she could tell that it was still dark outside with the cold air.

"It's time."

"Time for what?"

"You'll see."