Tianshi Xue Is A Shallow Person

Tianshi Xue didn't expect that she would actually let out the words out of her mouth. This was it, she was really going to know more about her death. She was getting her hands on the answers.

"What?!" the prince exclaimed.

She grimaced. "Can I see her case file?" she repeated.

Prince Qui straightened up and crossed his arms over his broad chest. With a scrutinizing eye, he asked, "And why do you care about shallow people?"

"Shallow people?!" she echoed. She wanted to scoff. She WAS a shallow person? Oh, but who was he to judge? It was not like he was a saint.

"Yes, the person you're looking for is an actor, correct?"

"Yes," she said. "But what makes you think that she's shallow?"

Prince Qui only rolled his eyes and went to the computer at the corner of the room. "Need I explain more why they are shallow?"