Touched By The Gods

Like any mother who had lost a child, Empress Mother Huan never forgot the day when her precious daughter had been taken from her.

The day that Princess Lin Yingyue had been born, the whole empire celebrated. When they saw her pale hair and violet eyes, they declared her a miracle. As they said, Princess Lin Yingyue had been "touched by the gods". No one in their family, not even a single soul in the whole empire had that silver hair and that beautiful shade for their eyes.

"She's a gift. We have been blessed," proclaimed the people. The gods had given them a miracle. A goddess.

Even as a child, she had been the most beautiful, easily making the teens jealous of her unique physical features. Yingyue had been a cheerful child. While her older brother, a boy of twelve, had been with his tutor, she had always been going around the palace, making all of her handmaidens run after her.