Like A Second Heart

Tianshi Xue was actually celebrating. This was the last night that she had to suffer the wedding celebrations. After tonight, it would all be over. No more guests, no more banquets. Just her and the quiet. She would be finally be at peace to find her murderer.

"You seem lively, Princess," Howin mentioned while she was washing her face. 

"It's the seventh night!"

"Yes, Your Highness, it's the greatest one in all of the celebrations."

Now, no one would be able to match the happiness on her face when she saw the dress that hung outside of her closet. She almost lost her tongue. "Is that what I am wearing?"

The off-shoulder bodice was blue in color, gilded with gold as it opened up and flowed down over a cream skirt. Thin shimmery fabrics were attached to the shoulder parts, almost making it look like a sort of cape.