Like True Royalty

There was no way out. There was no way that she would be able to lie anymore. Tianshi Xue was caught, worse than a deer caught in headlights. She answered wrong. The prince knew something that she did not about the princess.

Consciously, she touched the nape of the princess. Her hands fumbled but then she felt it. It was like an embossed letter on a paper. It was smooth and ran a couple of inches just before her back started. How come she had not seen this when she was doing an evaluation of the princess' body?!

Prince Qui was only looking at her. She noticed that he was breathing better now and more relaxed. Tianshi Xue could not believe it but she was feeling ashamed for having been caught lying.

She had not planned on what she would do next. She never thought that she would get caught in this gig of hers. Being transported as a soul to another body did not exactly come with a manual.