Wild Card

Prince Qui sat down and took another book from the pile. There were too much books. He knew that half of them would not even have what they were looking for. Tianshi Xue probably did not know how to use the catalogue.

But that's fine, he said to his mind. I'll just try to narrow it down for her.

First he looked at the table of contents and scanned the topics. If there was no mention made about 'soul transferring' and 'reincarnation', he puts it at one side. Most of the texts were philosophical. Like what was the purpose of life and all that.

"What are you looking at?" he asked when he noticed that Tianshi Xue kept on looking at him. She was trying to be discreet about it. Only her eyes were moving to the side while her face was still directed to the book. But he saw her anyway.

"Nothing." She cleared her throat and shifted in her seat.

"What is it?"
