I'll Make Sure

Tianshi Xue's tongue was lost somewhere in her mouth.

"What if I don't give you back?" the prince asked for the third time, still with that same voice.

But the warmth seeping from his shirt was making her mute. She willed herself to step away from the prince but her legs did not move. She settled for her head and she looked down at the floor. "Well." She was surprised that her voice sounded steady. "I guess I won't be able to do anything if that's what you decide upon."

Clearly, she spoiled the prince's fun for answering that way. He let her go with a blank look on his face. "Let's eat."

Tianshi Xue rubbed her wrist which still felt hot with the prince's touch. What the hell is wrong with him? she thought. Why on earth would he not give me/the princess to Prince Xiaodan?

He was not the lead here.

He was a third character that got tangled in this mess.