Mr. Mysterious

Tianshi Xue could not pinpoint the exact reason why she was lacking sleep. Maybe it was because her system still had not processed the outcome of the investigation of her death. Maybe because of the hefty meal. Maybe it was because she was going to see her sister again.

Nevertheless, she was going to come out of the palace grounds today. She could not afford to be drowsy. She had to drink it all in. The clothes that were provided made her eyebrows lift. She knew that she was meant to blend in with the crowd but she did not think that they were going to make her wear white pants! She had never been a fan but it was what the palace provided. It was paired with a blue sleeveless shirt.

"The news last night said to dress warmly today," Howin said, as she sprayed a temporary hair color to her platinum white hair. Her hair was so light that the color immediately clings to it.

"They could've sent me a skirt!"