Don't Touch Me

Tianshi Xue's heart was breaking right inside of her chest. She did not know what to do. She was not ready for this. She should not have tried to solve her own case. She should not have known what was about to happen to her life when she was finally done.

She did not want to be that ghost that disappears when they finally did their purpose in their life, or when they finally got the justice because they were wrongfully taken from this world when it had not been their time.

She did not want to dissolve into nothingness.

She did not want to let go of her old life.

But there was nothing else tying her to it.

The prince pushed the glove compartment and it revealed a box of tissues. She took two and immediately wiped her eyes but new tears replaced them. "I hate this," she croaked out.


"Crying in front of you."

"It's nothing," the prince said, keeping his eyes on the road. "Do you want to talk?"