Like A Capital Sin

Tianshi Xue finally allowed herself some time to rest after attending medicine and cooking classes. She refrained from going back to their bedroom as she might be tempted to stay on the bed and forget about the things that she had to do.

"You seem lively, Princess," commented Howin as she poured tea. "Are you resting well?"

"I feel like I'm full of energy," she said.

"Princess," said Howin and Tianshi Xue already heard the cautiousness in her voice. "If I may ask…"

"Make sure it's a good question, Howin," she said, trying to hide that she was suddenly nervous. She sipped on her drink. "Or else I'm not going to let you have some of my tea."

Howin was by her side, hands clasped in front of her. "I apologize for the question, Your Highness, it is just that I am required to ask this of you since you are now married."

Ah, it was about marriage. It was not like she knew a lot about it. "Alright."