A Coincidence

Prince Qui remained inside the house to make copies of the pages of the book with his Linker. Igwan dismissed Tianshi Xue, packing her some of that snack that she had been munching on. She  was in front of him, the book in between them as Prince Qui worked with scanning the pages. "That's the princess, right?"

Prince Qui nodded. There was no point lying to Igwan. "She wanted to come."

"That's a bad hair dye."

Prince Qui smiled. "It's a spray."

"She's lively."

"She is."

"You seem comfortable around her."

"I forced myself to be."

To that, Igwan's wrinkled face stretched with a smile. "Oh, my boy," she said. "I told you that you'd meet the person that was meant for you the next time that you came back from the outside."

"It's a coincidence."

She sighed disappointedly. "I know you are a man of reason and yet you are here asking me about souls. You want to help her."