Write me in History

When Tianshi Xue emerged from the closet, all dry and dressed in comfortable clothes, she found Prince Qui on the top of the bed. "Are you asleep?"

"No," he answered. "Just resting."

But the way his voice was already deeper, she knew that he was about to doze off. She also knew how his sleepy voice made her stomach tickle.

Tianshi Xue tried to make herself comfortable by fluffing her pillows and pushing some of it off the bed. Most of them were only for decoration anyway. But her neck was still aching from the heaviness of her hair earlier.

Giving up, she pulled Prince Qui's arm open and settled herself at the crook of his elbow.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"My neck's strained, I think. None of the pillows were working." It might have worked. But she was too tired to make it function properly.

"I don't care."

"Come on, I'm really tired. Just give me this one."