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Tianshi Xue's hand felt clammy all of a sudden. The dance was going to be some sort of a cotillion and required going around in circles with the other pairs.

"What?" the prince asked her. "Don't know how to dance to this song?"

"I know!" she said hostilely. 

"Okay, you were bubbly one second and now you're like that. Is that your hormones acting up?"

She widened her eyes at him, "I'm not going to talk to you about my hormones!"

"Then why do you look like that?"

"Nothing, I just feel a little bad." It was not the only reason but that at least was true and she willingly admitted. "She really likes you, you know," she said, clutching the skirt of her dress to find something to do with her hands as they waited for the music to start. 

"How is that possible? She's out on a date tonight."

"Yeah, but she probably did that to quicken her moving on stage or to make you jealous."

"Jealous? None of that."