Zixin's Obstacles pt. 5

One would not be able to imagine the relief that Tianshi Xue felt when she saw the figure clad in black at the top of that obstacle that resembled half a tall hill.

"Finally!" she shouted. She knew that it was Prince Qui just from the stance. He was still too far and there was another obstacle before he would reach her.

But she was relieved anyway. This was how dried fishes felt like—all the moisture leaving their body. She was so thirsty.

Princess Shanti laughed, "Were you certain that Prince Qui would win this?"

She did not want to sound too proud. Remember, they were trying to build Prince Xiaodan's image here because they had to sell him. "The obstacle is a mix of brains and strength. It was what made this fair for the two of them. But of course, I think Prince Qui would be the winner still."