The Same Mark

While Tianshi Xue was in the middle of torturing herself and Prince Qui in the hallway, the emperor was still in his chambers. Prince Xiaodan's birthday was turning out to be really festive but he was not very happy with the way things were going.

"You asked for me, Your Imperial Majesty?"

The emperor turned to face his first wife, Empress Li Xiu. She was in her usual gold ensemble. The fabric wrapped around her body and modestly. "Don't act like you don't know why you're here."

She kept up with the act. "I don't know why you called me here. Do you want something done with Xiaodan's birthday? Additional changes for the arrival of Emperor Guang tomorrow?"

The emperor slammed the folder that he was holding on his wooden desk. It made a sharp slapping sound but the empress did not flinch. "Don't think I did not know what you did with that obstacle course." He walked towards the empress, full of anger. "Are you really trying to have Qui killed?!"