You Dumb-Dumb

One of the best things about the celebration of Prince Xiaodan's birthday was that they were not needy in the activities. Which meant that after their usual trip to the library, Prince Qui and Tianshi Xue retired to their bedroom.

Tianshi Xue had been examining the princess' wardrobe and could not believe her eyes. How come there were not a single piece of a sexy brassiere in this place? But the royals were not pulling any stops when it came to her everyday dresses.

She dugged deep and unraveled a lot of the shiny fabric in her underwear drawer. She was getting upset seeing how disorganized it looked now. She hated that she would have to have Howin fold her underwear again.

Finally, in the last corner, she got a silky nightgown. It would pass for lingerie. Grinning to herself, she slipped it on and put on her robe.