He's The Devil, She's the Angel

"Do you hunt, Crown Prince?" asked Emperor Guang casually at dinner.

"I do, but it's Qui who knows the outside of the walls better," answered the Crown Prince.

"Well then, should we make an appointment of this tomorrow? I would love to see the woods here in Heping. What do you say?"

"My morning tomorrow is free, if that works for you."

The young emperor turned to Prince Qui. "And you?"

Prince Qui nodded. "I'll be glad to join you."

"Great! What about you Emperor Yang? Would you care to join?"

The emperor at the head of the table waved a hand. "I have a busy morning tomorrow. And I wake up too late to go on hunting, anyway. Surely, Qui and Weisheng could guide you to the wilderness."

"In Shanmai, hunting is part of the celebrations. We have tons of trees there," shared the young emperor. "Also there is a vast array of animals."